Come little readers I’ll take thee away, into my land of enchantment…
Just kidding. As I am sitting here loading the final images for this post, I am sipping on a Caramel Apple Spice drink from Starbucks, with a giant smile on my face. This photoshoot was a dream come true. I have mentally planned this shoot for years. Based on Disney’s cult favorite movie, “Hocus Pocus” (1992), these three little witches were a complete joy to photograph. I have been combing auctions on eBay for the past several months to find bits and pieces of these amazing costumes and props and it truly came together for a bewitching and amazing photoshoot.
Lewes, Delaware is the perfect, quaint harbor town set next to the beach and the closest town that resembles New England in this area. It’s downtown cobblestone and brick pavements are perfect, the rustic and vast home and building options provided a unique and beautiful background, and I have nothing but thanks and love for the numerous after-summer tourists who smiled, waved, and played along to the three kids who kept asking if they smelled children anywhere.
A huge hug and thanks to my MUA, Dani Gaudiosi for turning these adorable faces into mini works of art. Check out Dani Gaudiosi on Instagram (@danigaudiosimua). She has been a makeup artist for gorgeous bridal clients of mine and I can’t recommend her enough. Again, major high-fives to the parents who were so helpful and who pitched in to make two hours seem like 5 minutes. This was a dream come true and I hope you all enjoy these portraits as much as I have!
xoxo Maggie